127408 60 Degrees Countersink HSS Drill Bit 8mm to 50mm
144225 Diamond Grinding Flat Conical Wheel Blade Grit 180 Sizes 75MM to 150MM
144235 Diamond Grinding Flat Conical Wheel Blade Grit 180 Sizes 75MM to 150MM
144255 Diamond Grinding Flat Wheel Blade Grit 180 Sizes 75MM to 150MM
150MM gauge measure clearance
15Pcs Collet Chuck Set.
15Pcs Collet Chuck Set.#[Size:BT40 ER32]
15Pcs Collet Chuck Set.#[Size:MT3 ER32]
15Pcs Collet Chuck Set.#[Size:MT4 ER32]
160-250MM Metric Dial Bore Gauge
160MM Machine Vice With Swivel Base
18-35MM Metric Dial Bore Gauge, Cylinder Internal Bore Milling Measuring 401113